Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya UK

 English News 25 September 2016


A humble attempt to provide a platform for shias around the world to share their views and news

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Released by Malek Ashter the Spokesman of the TNFJ; Translated by Zulqurnain Haider
The hypocritical attitude of UNO and America has turned the whole world into hell - Hamid Moosavi

ISLAMABAD, September 25: The Patron in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and Head of Tehreek e Nafaz e Fiqah Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that the hypocritical attitude of UNO and America has turned the whole world into hell, without arbitration, even domestic disputes cannot be solved, how is it possible to solve dispute between two nuclear powers? America, who herself propagate the idea of bi-literal negotiation, must stop interfering in the affairs of Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan and let them solve their problems by themselves. United Nation must not sulk over the issue of Kashmir. In the pilgrimage sermon of Imam e Kabba, discussing Syria and Palestine and neglecting Kashmir is lamentable, even in the fundamental agenda of O.I.C, Kashmir is nowhere. Kashmiri freedom fighters, fearless from death, are following the path of Haider e Karrar (A.S), must continue their struggle to achieve freedom, rights cannot be obtained by begging, they are snatched. If America can be kicked out from Vietnam, and Russia from Afghanistan, kicking out India from Kashmir is also not impossible then. Prime Minister delivered a balanced speech in the United Nations, yet the issue of Kulbhushan Yadav should have also been raised. These thoughts were expressed by him while addressing to the delegation of Mukhtar Students Organization Kohat Region. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Moosavi said that Pakistan should raise the issue of Indian involvement in Balochistan on all the international forums. The game which india played in 1971 with the help of USSR, now playing the same game with the help of America in Balochistan. India I buying a huge lot of arms and weapons and its ultimate target is just Pakistan, because at least india cannot dare to attack on China.  Agha Syed Hamid Ali Moosavi made it clear that we are the followers of the Conqueror of Khyber Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib (A.S) and we are not afraid of death. Indian foxes cannot scare those who are not afraid of death. India must not live in any fool’s paradise, all the religious, political and social organizations are behind Pakistan-Army