Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya UK

 English News 2nd April 2016


A humble attempt to provide a platform for shias around the world to share their views and news

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Released by Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi the Spokesman of the TNFJ; Translated by Wajih Kazmi

The government to raise the matter of arrested Indian agent on international forums – Hamid Moosavi

ISLAMABAD, April 2: The Chief Patron of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and Head of Tehreek e Nafaz e Fiqah Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has stressed on the government to raise the matter of arrested Indian agent on international forums. Gather foreign ambassadors in Pakistan and update them about the incident of Gulshan e Iqbal Park, arrest of Indian agent and Indian involvement in terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Had the charter of United Nations implemented to save next generations from war, ensure global peace, resolve international disputes with justice, respect sovereignty of each other; the Indian secret agent would not have caught red handed in Pakistan. Arrest of a foreign secret agent is an extraordinary matter in the world while its escalation on international forums is very important as it is a matter of life and death. Absence of the matter of Indian agent in Prime Minister’s address to the nation after the Gulshan e Iqbal incident and Interior Minister’s press conference on the sit-in while also not speaking effectively against India is a question mark itself? The world of humanity can be saved by spreading knowledge and eradicating illiteracy. Agha Moosavi said that the arrest of Indian agent Yadev Parkash indicates that the incident of Gulshan e Iqbal is an Indian act in reaction to her agent’s arrest while the enemies of Pakistan are trying to associate Gulshan e Iqbal incident with Christian event of Ester which is another conspiracy against Pakistan as 15 Christians while more than 60 Muslims lost their lives in the incident similarly thiis is also strange that Pop and some other countries are calling the incident as an attack on Christianity. Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi questioned that Why not America and international organizations who demand from Pakistan to do more on the incidents of attacks in France, Pathankot and Mumbai, demand from India to Do More? He said that by raising the matter of Indian agent’s presence in Pakistan using Iranian visa was revealed on the occasion of the visit of Iranian President to fail the visit as the arrest had taken place on 3rd March but raised after 3 weeks. He said that proofs relevant to the admittance of RAW officer are already available and have been shared with United Nations and America by Pakistan’s Prime ministers however, nothing has been told to the nation about them. Agha Moosavi said that it is very strange that this matter has not been escalated to the international forums with full spirit. He said that informing five big powers including United Nations about the Indian involvement is not enough but concrete action is the need of the hour. Agha Moosavi said that Iran will have to prove that its soil will not be used against Pakistan through actions and prove to the world that no power in the world can break the strong bond of friendship between the two states therefore, Iran must share all information with Pakistan in this case. He said that the holy Prophet (PBUH&HHP) mentioned the purpose of his appearance as teaching. He said that flexibility and love demonstrated by the teacher makes the education easy and attractive therefore, the holy Prophet (PBUH&HHP) was very kind and gentle and instructed his companions to teach with kindness and not create difficulties for people. He said that our actions must be based upon knowledge while the biggest dilemma of our education system is that our actions are contradictory to the knowledge. There is no training for Education and as per a scholar, though we learned to swim in the sea like a fish and learned to fly in the air however, we did not learn to walk on the ground like humans. This is the reason that human values are being violated all across the world and can only be saved through knowledge.