Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya UK

 English News  28th March 2014


A humble attempt to provide a platform for shias around the world to share their views and news

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Released by Syed Tanvir Hussain Kazmi; Translated by S Z Naqvi

The interference of the colonial powers in the internal affairs of Pakistan is dangerous for its integrity; the pious character of Hazrat Fatima (PBUH) is a beacon of light for the women of the world - addresses of Ullema to the mourning assemblies of Ashra e Fatimia


RAWALPINDI, March 28: As per the announcement of the Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Al Moosavi the programs of Ashra e Fatimia, likewise the rest of the world, continued throughout the beloved homeland Pakistan. On this occasion Majalis were held in Imam Bargahz and Azakhanaz, while addressing to these Majalis religious scholars and speakers considered the pious character of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) a beacon of light for the women world. In Rawalpindi region Majalis e Fatimia were also held under the auspices of different religious and Matami organizations.

While addressing to a Majlis e Fatimia at Imam Bargah Zain al Abidin (PBUH) under the auspices of Anjuman e Faiz e Panjtan, Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi said that the women of world will have to follow the pious teachings of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH). He said that ignorance and materialism pushed society into the pit of moral decline. On this occasion through a resolution a great anxiety was expressed that the continuous interference of the colonial powers in the country’s affairs put the integrity of the motherland in danger therefore the rulers should make their own decisions in the favour of the national safety and for the greater interests of the motherland. It was made clear in the resolution that there is no sectarian conflict in the motherland Pakistan rather it is the proxy war of the other countries, which is being fought using the banned groups in the motherland. It was demanded from the government that in order to establish long term peace in the country it should tighten noose around the banned groups which are active in their heinous acts freely rather using the names of the recognized schools of thought and are trying to saw the seeds of hatred.

A Majlis e Aza also held at Ali Hall under the auspices of Haeyate Tulbae Islamia. Mufti Basim Abbas Zahiri, Syed Mustansar Naqvi and Syed Zeeshan Hamdani addressed to the Majlis which was concluded on Matamdari.

A Majlis e Fatimia and Hadees e Kisa was held at Jamia Masjid Sakhi Shah Peyara Chohar Harpal. On this occasion Allama Matloob Hussain Taqi while highlighting the pious character of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) said that Hazrat Maryam is honourable because of Hazrat Eysa while according to the poet of East the honour and dignity attained by the pious daughter of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) being the daughter, wife and mother is unmatchable. He said that those who are observing the world mother day should not forget the martyrdom of the mother of Hasnain (PBUT) who elevated to honour and dignity of mother through her pious character and deeds. He said that one can gauge the honour and dignity of the pious lady of the heaven through this stance that when ever she visited the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP) he used to stand for Hazrat Fatima (PBUH) to welcome her. He said that the mothers all around the world are offering their sons for the freedom movements while following the pious character of Hazrat Fatima (PBUH). Allama Hussain Muqaddasi addressed to a Majlis e Aza at Jamia Masjid e Ahle Bait (PBUT) Wah Cantt. To conclude the Majlis condolence were paid the Holy Prophet by performing Matam Dari in which Matami Dasta Pursa Darane Babul Hawaej participated.



(PBUH & HHP): Peace be upon him and on his holy progeny

(PBUH): Peace be upon him/her

(PBUT): Peace be upon them