Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya UK

 English News  7th February 2013


A humble attempt to provide a platform for shias around the world to share their views and news

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Released by Dr S M Rizvi; Translated by Wajih Kazmi

Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUH) rendered great services for the protection and safety of Islam; He (PBUH) provided a great lesson of self-reliance to the whole of the Islamic world; the way the benefactor of Islam took care of the holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP) is a beacon of light for humanity - Addresses of Ulema and scholars on the beginning of the “Universal days of Grief” 

RAWALPINDI, February 7: In connection with the announcement of Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, Ayyam ul Huzan (the days of mourning) started on Wednesday to observe the death anniversary of the beloved Uncle of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP), Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUH). Recitation of Hadees e Kisa was performed in the mosques and Imam Bargahs after Maghribain prayers. Majalis e Aza under the auspices of different religious and Matami organizations were held in all parts of the country in which the speakers and scholars highlighted great services of Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUH) that he rendered to ensure protection and safety of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP).  

A majlis e Aza was held in Rawalpindi under the auspices of TNFJ’s district committee for Alamgeer Ayyam ul Huzan at Imam Bargah Zain ul Aza. While addressing to the Majils e Ayyam ul Huzan, Allama Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi said that Almighty Allah termed the asylum provided by Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUH), as his own refuge. He said that Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUH) is the only personality who possesses such a high status that the holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP) termed the year of his death as the year of sorrow (Aam ul Huzan). He said that the benefactor of Islam did not only took care of the holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP) but he also protected the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP) and helped him delivering the message of Islam and therefore, his pious character is a beacon of light for the humanity. He said that Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUH) proved himself as the protector of the Holy Prophet through actions and because of his presence; no one could dare to inflict any kind of harm to the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP). The participants of the Majlis e Aza unanimously passed a resolution demanding the government to ensure law and order on the occasion of Ayyam ul Huzan. 

The first Majlis e Aza of Alamgeer Ayyam ul Huzan was held under the auspices of Anjuman Dukhtaran e Islam, Ummul Banin WF, Sakina Generation and Girls Guide at Markazi Imam Bargah Jamia tul Murtaza G-9/4 Islamabad. While addressing to the Majlis e Aza, Dr. Khanum Zahra Gul said that by providing a strong foundation to the economy of Islam, Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUH) gave lesson of self-reliance to the whole of the Islamic world. She said that the pious progeny of Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUH) protected and elevated the message of Islam and kept its flag flying high, by sacrificing their lives. She stressed on the fact that the offspring of Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUT) protected the religion and Sharia by offering their blood and that is the reason that the true message of Islam is alive even today. Syeda Zainab Alviya said that the households of the family of Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUT) gave an exemplary lesson of serving the religion and Sharia to get success in this world and the world hereafter. She said that through their heart rendering sermons in the streets and bazaars of Kufa and Syria, the granddaughters of Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUT) devastated the Yazidiat and dictatorship. At the end of the Majlis e Aza, Matamdari was performed.

While addressing to the Majlis e Aza held under the auspices of Anjuman Kaneezan e Imam al ASR Wal Zaman at Shoabe Abi Talib (PBUH), Syeda Binte Ali Moosavi said that throughout the life of Hazrat of Abu Talib (PBUH), no one could inflict any harm or disrespect the pious personality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP). She expressed grave concerns on the fact that not only the Muslim nation, but Islamic sites, divine books and the sacred personality of the Holy Prophet of Islam are being targeted and disrespected by the international media while the solution of this menace is only possible by following the pious footsteps of Hazrat Abu Talib (PBUH) and protecting the respect and dignity of our Holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP) at any cost.


(PBUH & HHP): Peace be upon him and on his holy progeny

(PBUH): Peace be upon him/her

(PBUT): Peace be upon them