Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya UK

 English News  8th April 2013


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Released by Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi, the spokesman of the TNFJ; Translated by S Z Naqvi

The pious character of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) is the complete Islamic charter for womenfolk – Syed Mohammad Ali Bukhari

The strict policy of the election commission is against normality; out of contest questions are becoming the source of disrespect; the two nation theory is not a rocket science, in the light of hadees, infidel and Islam are two separate nations; every aspect of the pious character of Hazrat Fatima (PBUH) shines like a fool moon – Address of Ulema to the Majalis of the Ashra e Fatimia

RAWALPINDI, April 8: As per the directives of the Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi, programs of Aalmi Ashra e Aza e Fatimia to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of the beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) continued throughout the country. In this connection, Majalis-e-Fatimia were held under the auspices of different religious organizations and institutions in different Imam Bargahaz and Azakhanaz. While addressing to Majalis-e-Fatimia, Ulmae Karam Waizeen O Zakreen considered the pious character of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH), the complete Islamic charter for womenfolk.

A Majlis e Aza held at Babe Fiza Islamabad where different Ulema a Zakreen addressed to the mourners. While addressing to the Majlis, the additional secretary general of the TNFJ, Syed Mohammad Ali Bukhari said that every aspects of the pious character of Hazrat Fatima Zahra 9PBUH) shines like a full moon and for the same reason, a poet and a philosopher Allama Iqbal said that, “ the pious character of Hazrat Maryum (PBUH) is dignified due to one reference while the pious character of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) is distinguished due to three reasons”. He said that those who celebrate the “Mother Day” should remember that the pious character of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH) is a beacon of light for the mothers. Syed Mohammad Ali Bukhari said that according to a famous poet and a thinker Shorish Kaash’miri, the Muslim nation is facing many problems because the daughter of the Holy prophet (PBUH) is upset with them. On this occasion different resolutions were passed in which it was reminded that the poor conditions of the Muslim nation is because of Muslims forgetting about the Hadees e Saqlain in which the last Holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP) advised his nation, “ I am leaving to significant things for you, they are the Holy Quran and my Holy Progeny (PBUT). If you uphold their teachings then you will not go astray and will reach to the fountain of Kousar”. In the resolution it was said that The Muslim nation not only forgotten the teachings of the Holy Quran but also put aside the golden sayings of the Holy family of the Holy Prophet (PBUT). In another resolution, the strict policy adopted by the election commission was considered unwise and against norm; the representatives are posing useless questions to the candidates due to which the national institutions are being disrespected. Asking question in regards to the “Two-Nation” theory is for no reason as who does not know about it; according to the saying of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP), the infidel is a one nation and the Muslims are the other nation. The Two-Nation theory is not a rocket science but in the light of the tradition of the Holy Prophet (PBUH & HHP), the infidel and the Muslims are two different nations. In the resolution it was mentioned that first of all we are Muslim and because of that Pakistan was established. In the resolution the questions posed by the returning officers about Namaz and Fasting were considered baseless because these responsibilities are obligatory as individual in which the door of repent is always opened unless someone openly denounce them. In the resolution it was mentioned that getting entangled in such issues is equivalent to avoiding the realities; Islam advises everyone to have positive approach towards each other. In another resolution the caretaking government was demanded that it should pay attention to the national issues; the drone attacks should be made stopped; the public should be free from the calamity of the power cuts and gas load shedding; it should handle the terrorists with the iron hand because after the 9/11 and Mumbai attack, America and India controlled terrorism while Pakistan has to take concrete steps to control the cancer of terrorism. In the Majlis e Fatimia, special prayers were made for the safety and integrity of the nation and the motherland.    


(PBUH & HHP): Peace be upon him and on his holy progeny

(PBUH): Peace be upon him/her

(PBUT): Peace be upon them