Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya UK

 English News  22nd July 2011


A humble attempt to provide a platform for shias around the world to share their views and news

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Released by Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi Spokes man TNFJ; Translated by  M I Saeedi

It is imperative to follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his holy progeny and the teachings of the Holy Quran in order to create an atmosphere of love and peace and to rid the world off the problems of hate and terrorism – Allama Qamar Zaidi

TNFJ will continue its struggle at the fore front for the protection and integrity of the motherland – Address to the Majlis at Aza Khana Baitul Fatimiya

RAWALPINDI, July 22:  Syed Qamar Haider Zaidi, Central Information Secretary for TNFJ, while addressing a religious gathering at Aza Khana Bait ul Fatimia Wah Cantt. said that it is imperative to follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his holy progeny and the teachings of the Holy Quran in order to create an atmosphere of love and peace and to rid the world off the problems of hate and terrorism.

Syed Qamar Zaidi said that the Holy Quran is a complete charter for human rights and social system and the holy character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his Holy progeny is the practical implementation of the teachings in the Holy Quran, therefore if the so called human rights activist nations truly want the peace and humanity in the world, they should follow the Quran and Ahalbait (pbut).  He expressed concern that those Holy Scriptures that have been changed by the human hands are being protected and the commissions are being formed to preserve them while the true miracle, the holy Quran is desecrated by the agents of satanic forces and these organisations are protecting them.

He said the international organizations are digging the ruins of old civilizations while the shrines of holy family of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who spread the light of divine truth, love and humanity are being bombed and desecrated.

Qamar Zaidi said that the saying of Imam Shafi (RA) is proof enough for the greatness of Ahlbait (pbut) that “for how long would I be persecuted for the love of Imam Ali (pbuh)? did anyone else had a wife like Imam Ali (pbuh)? Was anyone else’s greatness mentioned in the chapter of Hal Ata of the holy Quran?

He said that all the intellectuals and thinkers have learned and found the divine truth from the character of Ahlbait (pbut).  He expressed concern over the increasing threats of terrorism and hate and said that by following the holy character of Ahlbait (pbut) all these issues can be resolved.

Syed Qamar Zaidi said that the situation in the regions of Para Chinar, Waziristan and Baluchistan is due to the conspiracies of the colonial powers and the only way to have peace throughout Pakistan is to implement the Moosvi Peace Formula in letter and spirit.  He made it clear that for the integrity and sovereignty of Pakistan no sacrifice will be spared by the TNFJ.