Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya UK

 English News  13th February 2011


A humble attempt to provide a platform for shias around the world to share their views and news

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Released by Qamar Haider Zaidi (Spokesman TNFJ); Translated by Zulqurnain Haider


RAWALPINDI, February 13: While announcing the Universal Mukhtar Day (Eid E Zahra (pbuh)) Quaid e Millat e Jaffriya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Mousavi said that, to get rid of imperialists, it is essential to follow the footsteps of Hazrat Mukhtar (ra).

The annunciated Eid E Zahra will be observed on Sunday throughout the country with all respect and full devotion.

Agha Syad Hamid Ali Shah Al Mousavi made it clear that Pakistan is not posing any kind of threat to the humanity rather the colonialist powers and their agents are destroying the peace of the whole world in order to gain their personal interests.   Agha Mousavi stressed that, to crush their evil intentions it is must to follow the footsteps of Hazrat Mukhtar (ra)

 “Pakistan is being penalized due to her Islamic Ideology and nuclear capabilities. Thus keeping the gravity of situation under consideration it is foremost to stand united as a nation in order to cope with current wave of terrorism”, Aqae e Mousavi said. 

Quaid e Millat e Jafariya asserted that all communities should keep unity in this time of distress and those using the situation for their personal and political gains will never be forgiven by the nation and history.  Agha Mousavi made it clear that justice and equality are the foundation of religion (Deen ). Thus from the very first day till now good and evil, right and wrong, justice and injustice are in conflict, but those chosen by divine authority have always utilised their energies for the establishment of Justice and good because ALLAH Almighty has created the human race to touch the heights of humanity and this can only be achieved by practicing justice and equality. Good must be differentiated from evil.

He said that by propagating virtue (Maroof) a civilized society can be formed and eternal salvation can be ensured as this exactly was the Aim of Hussain Ibn Ali (pbuh) when he sacrificed his 72 near and dear ones in the desert of Karbala and by doing so he made it clear to the whole world that his aim was to flourish justice and remove injustice and repression.

 Quaid e Millat e Jaffriya said that amongst the followers of Imam Hussain (pbuh) there was a great man named Mukhtar Thaqfi (ra) whom followed the footsteps of Imam Hussain (pbuh) to elevate the justice by putting oppressors to their ends.

Quaid e Millat e Jafariya asserted that Mukhtar avenged the blood of Imam Hussain (pbuh) and his companions and helpers, established the rule of Quran o Sunnah, defended the destitute and crushed tyrants and oppressors.  “Mukhtar emerged as hidden power to implant Justice”, Agha Mousavi said.

Quaid e Millat e Jafariya said that Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had prophesized that Almighty Allah would avenge the oppressed by sending Mukhtar (ra) onto oppressors to end their tyranny.

Agha Moosvi said that colonial powers and their agents are shedding blood of the oppressed nations of Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan, Pakistan is also pressurized to implement their policies.

He also demanded from the government to take sufficient measures to control terrorism.