Tehreek Nafaz e Fiqh e Jafariya UK

 English News  21st August 2011


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Released by S M Zaman ; Translated by Zulqurnain Haider

Enemy wants to snatch life out of Pakistan. Armed forces will have to take swift actions - Hamid Moosavi

Rulers should behave, whole of Karachi is mourning in the month of Ramadan; main targets of our enemy are Gawadar port and economic lifeline of Pakistan, Karachi

To root out oppression and terrorism we will have to follow the pious character of Mola e Kainaat Ali Ibn Abi Talib (pbuh) - Address on the beginning of “International Days of Mourning”.

RAWALPINDI, August 21: While condemning uncontrollable chain of target killings and terrorism in Karachi and suicide attack on Jumrood Mosque Peshawar, Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi stressed on politicians and leaders that they should repent from their wrongdoings, seek forgiveness for their sins and should also spare public whose lives and very survival have been made difficult. Following the policy of “live and let other live” they must keep in their minds that the long arm of Almighty Allah makes no sound when it strikes, there may be a delay from His side but his judgment is impartial. He reminded that oppression vanishes, when exceeds just like blood, which clots when bleeds.

He stressed that our common arch-enemy is focusing on two main targets; economic lifeline of Pakistan, Karachi and Gawadar Port Quetta, which are vital for Pakistan’s survival. Our enemy wants to push both the cities into civil war and snatch life from us forever. In this delicate situation, Pakistan Armed forces will have to act swiftly to safe guard the lives and properties of the public. This was stated by him while addressing a majlis e Shub e Zarbat at the headquarters of Maktab e Tasheyo on the beginning of “International days of mourning” in connection with the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib (pbuh).

Aqae Moosavi reminded that likewise the whole world, the programs of the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Ali (pbuh) have been started throughout the country. The month of Ramadan is full of blessings such as revelation of the Holy Quran and Shub e Qadr. In this month huge numbers of the godly people seek nearness to Almighty Allah.

He said that it is the promise of Almighty Allah that in the end, Justice will flourish, oppression and barbarity will meet their fate and oppressors will be brought to the justice.

While expressing his deep anxiety and grief, he said that everything has been snatched from the inhabitants of Pakistan, people are being burnt alive in Karachi, they are being taken out of their houses forcefully and killed and bundled corpses are being discovered. God knows what happened to the happiness of Karachi that every home has become a mourning place.  

He said that though the duty of the armed forces is to protect the boarders from external aggression but when country is not safe internally, how the boarder would be protected! Therefore in this complex situation armed forces will have to act swiftly to safeguard the lives and properties of the public.

He narrated one of the sayings of Imam Jafar e Sadiq (pbuh) that “Almighty Allah destroyed six groups of people due to six course of actions; rulers because of oppression and brutality, Arabs because of their prejudice, wealthy people because of their arrogance, merchants because of their malpractice and dishonesty, hermits because of their ignorance and scholars and jurists because of their jealousy and malice”.

Aqae Moosavi said that in the light of the above saying, rulers and politicians should evaluate themselves, because if they give preference to the interest of the motherland over their own then not only useless blood shedding can be put to an end but also long lasting peace can be attained throughout the country.

Aqae Moosavi said that Almighty Allah never likes oppressors, neither keeps them friends and for very same reason the Holy Prophet (pbuh) advised humans to abstain from cruelty and oppressions because on the Day of Judgment the blackness of oppression will be quite prominent.

Quaid e Millat e Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi said that we should make a golden saying of Mola e Kainaat Hazrat Ali (pbuh), a beacon of light in which he says that, “By God, if I am given everything whatever is under the sky on the condition that I carry out oppression against an ant and snatch the grain of barley from her, I will never do that”. (Reference; Peak of Eloquence)

Aqae Moosavi made it clear that whatever the form of the government is, its job is to make efforts on every level for the welfare of its subjects and to provide them opportunities so that they may follow the right course of action to obtain their living. It also includes in the duties of the government to manage affairs of the public, establishing a system of check and balance so that they do not cause harm to each other and to save them from discrimination, oppression, brutality and blood shedding so much so that if an outsider attack them it is the job of the government to safe guard them.

He said that currently public is deprived even from its basic rights because of the imposed rulers, leaders and politicians who are exerting all their energies either to maintain their power or to gain it.

He said that it has been sixty four years since Pakistan is in the grip of civil and military rulers who followed their desires. They have made everything for themselves and left public to pick up the pieces and even pushed them into one corner. One dictator gave public sense of deprivation, second lost half of the country, third blessed public with terrorism and Kalashnikov culture and the fourth one gifted the country with 9/11. He expressed his anxiety over current scenario in which the whole country has been turned into blood bath where democratic leaders proved to be more catastrophic than military ones. Now every part of the country is in pain, he added.

He reminded those present that the main causes of the destruction and doom of the previous nations which are explained by the Holy Quran are oppression, overspending, denial of rights, unfaithful acts and negligence from the performance of their duties and committing sins.  He narrated the saying of the Holy Prophet (pbuh & hhp) that “verily previous nations were destroyed because of their desire for money and the same thing is yet to destroy you”.

Aqae Moosavi stated that it is the saying of Imam Jafar e Sadiq (pbuh) that “the one who does not recognize his own dignity and honour and is not aware of his affairs is destroyed”.

He said that at this point of time even we are not aware of our position and not realizing that Pakistan is an atomic power and a fort of Islam. It is also a source of survival for the rest of the Muslim world. If God forbid something happen to Pakistan, rest of the Islamic states would not be able to sustain their survival.